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Site owner
Mr et Mme LEPICIER Florence & Christian
B&B Bulles de Loire
9 rue Cendrière
49400 SAUMUR
Phone number : +33 7 81 41 71 81
Email :
Siret : 899 431 878 00011 RCS ANGERS
APE : 5520Z : Hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée


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Computer science and freedom
In accordance with the "Computer and Freedom" Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms, you have a right of access and correction on the personal data you leave on this site. The personal data that we may need to collect is exclusively for to allow you to take advantage of the services offered by the site. No personal inform Ms et Mr LEPICIER Florence & Christian ation about you is transferred to third parties or used for unanted purposes.
In accordance with the provisions of the Computer, Files and Freedoms Act of 6 January 1978, the automated processing of personal data carried out and from this website has been reported to the National Commission for Information Technology and Freedoms (Declaration Number 1778097).


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     9, rue Cendrière

     49400 Saumur


     +33 7 81 41 71 81




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